Is it possible to make money as an AI artist? How to make a profit & earn money.

People this article is recommended for
  • Want to know about AI painters.
  • Want to know about AI artists.
  • Would like to know about the future possibilities of AI painters.

Have you ever heard of an “AI painter”?
An AI painter is an artist who uses AI tools to create pictures.

Although AI painter has many criticisms and controversies, it is one of the most likely professions and ways of painting to develop with the development of AI tools.
This article will focus on the topic of whether it is possible to earn money as an AI painter.

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What is an AI painter?

The main job of an AI painter is to instruct AI tools to generate illustrations or pictures.

As you can see from the job description, the AI painter’s job is “to give instructions to AI tools,” so it is somewhat difficult to say that he or she is a “painter” as the occupation name implies.

Therefore, there are many differences from what is commonly referred to as a painter, and the question of whether an AI painter can really be called a painter is sometimes a topic of controversy.

Advantages of AI Painters

Although AI painters have been criticized by many on the Internet, it is not all bad.

AI painting has the potential to find new artistic value.

①Reduced creation time

First, through AI generation, the time required to create a picture can be reduced.
As illustration creation services are sold through crowdsourcing, there are many opportunities for business transactions of picture content in recent years.

Therefore, in the trade of pictures where quantity is required, the reduction of creation time will be a great benefit.

②Various designs can be put into the picture.

Letting AI generate pictures may lead to new discoveries.
AI itself may generate a picture that you or a human being could never have come up with before.

There is, of course, a way to sell the pictures generated by AI for a profit, but it may also be possible to use the idea to generate another picture.

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③Anyone can be involved in painting.

To become a painter, a certain level of skill is required.
However, through AI painters, more people, regardless of skill, will be able to be involved in the field of painting.
It is true that the only work you can do as an AI painter is to instruct the AI to create an image of a picture.

However, the significance of this action is not small, even if it is just the action of putting your own image into a picture.

There are many ways to earn money as an AI painter

When you think of earning money as an artist, you may think of “selling your illustrations or pictures,” but if you take a broader view, you can actually find other ways to earn money.

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①Publish the generated illustrations free of charge

The first method is to earn money by publishing the generated illustrations for free.

How does free publicity generate a profit?

Certainly, in this method, the illustrations themselves do not generate profit, but by placing advertisements on the site, it is possible to make a profit through the cost of those advertisements.
In other words, the illustrations are used to “attract customers”.
The drawback of using illustrations as a “guest attraction” is that it requires a huge amount of illustrations, but I believe that this will help attract a large number of visitors.

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②Sell illustrations as commercialization.

There is a way to sell the generated illustrations as merchandise.

To make a profit from merchandise sales, you will need a certain level of demand.

However, for example, if you are very influential on social networking sites and have your own fan base among your followers, you may want to consider selling merchandise.

③Sell a collection of illustrations

If you have a large number of illustrations generated, you can consider selling them as a collection of illustrations.

Even though a single illustration may not attract much attention, a collection of illustrations in one genre may easily add some element of interest to the reader.

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④Combine yourself and AI technology to get the job done.

If AI painters themselves have painting skills, it would be possible for them to combine their own and AI technologies to receive work through crowdsourcing and other means.

AI tools have the disadvantage of not being able to fully respond to flexible requests, so it would be difficult to proceed with a client’s request using only AI tools, but by hybridizing technologies, a combination of human and AI advantages can be realized.

Depending on how they are used, AI tools can be of great benefit to creators who usually draw pictures by themselves.

⑤Selling Technology

This is a way to sell the know-how to generate pictures, not the pictures.
The main job of an AI painter is to “give instructions to the AI to draw pictures,” but these instructions do not always go as expected from the beginning.
However, these instructions do not always go as expected from the beginning, because there are cases where your imagination and the AI’s imagination do not match, and the picture may not be generated as you want it.

If you have grasped the trick to make AI draw the picture you imagine, you may be able to sell the technique in the form of a book or online content.

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Various ways to monetize AI painters

My final remark throughout this article is that there are many sales channels for AI painters.

Since it is a kind of technology to handle AI as you wish, I am sure that there are many areas where you will have an advantage over other painters when it comes to doing business using this technology.

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